Saturday, June 29, 2013

Roughing it!

So yesterday as the weather was heating up and getting muggy, best friend Denise drove out to spend the night. Trip from Mukilteo took her almost 3 hours. Seattle  traffic you suck.

Jack barbqued some Salmon and Denise, who is a chocolate lover, brought out some fantastic French pastries and wine to share.

The power went off several times during the evening and we discovered that 5 of us along the back row had nothing, while the rest of the park appeared to still have lights,A/C etc. Jack and our neighbors dragged out the generators so we could attempt to sleep with at least the fan on (not enough juice in the generator to run the A/C.) Windows open and generator running.....around 3AM the CO2 alarm blasted and woke us up. Jack shut down the generator so we wouldn't expire  and it warmed  up pretty fast inside the 5th wheel.

Power back on this morning, things appear to be back to normal.

Temps are suppose to hit 90 by Monday, which all Northwest residents know is miserable. The humidity has been high the past week as well. Currently overcast and 70.

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