Monday, June 17, 2013

Elma ER

Well after a week of back pain,home treatment that didn't work and a sleepless night I decided to head over to the Elma ER which is about a block away. It is a brand new facility that opened in February. At 5AM I had the place to myself.

One urinalysis and CT scan later and the diagnosis is acute low back pain.....ta da! (Isn't that why I went in to begin with?) Actually I was relieved that it was nothing more serious.  Jack felt sorry for me and took me to the Rusty Tractor for breakfast. The Percocet they gave me in the ER started to kick in and I went back to bed for a couple of hours.

I have no idea what initiated this bout of back pain. It may have been the laundry basket I lifted last week proving that household chores can be dangerous.

Sunny most of the day but now raining hard at 4PM.

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