Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Newport Oregon

 Yaquina Bay Bridge
We arrived at Whalers Rest RV Park this afternoon. It is raining on and off but this is the coast so we expect it. We were able to get our favorite site,which borders the horseshoe pit, and set up before it really poured hard.
Headed to lunch at a great Thai restaurant in Newport: Lucky Thai Elephant. The food is fantastic. The restaurant itself is a little worn out looking these days. The young man waiting on us gave Jack's lunch to another diner by mistake. I was halfway through my lunch before his appeared. The poor kid was so red in the face and embarrassed. We could hear the cook chewing him out in the kitchen. We tried to assure him that it was not a problem but it looks like he didn't receive the tip that Jack left on the table.
This particular RV Park has internet service but requires a trip to the clubhouse and hookup to ethernet. Kind of a pain but it's better than having no service at all.
Tomorrow I'll take my morning walk on the beach.

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