Monday, August 26, 2013

Trip South

Rowan Day 8

Jack got up at 3AM and headed out the door around 3:30 to begin his trip south with the Lincoln. He'll arrive in Modesto this afternoon, stay with Dorothy and Mervyn, then make the final push home Tuesday afternoon. The car is packed with stuff we figure we don't need for the next month and will sit in the trunk,in the garage until we get back. Jack will fly back up to SeaTac Wednesday afternoon.

I drove up to Tacoma to visit  8 day old Rowan. In this picture above I think he looks like Derek. He is eating and sleeping well. Mom and baby are both healthy and sister Madison is an expert diaper changer already.


Jack made it to Modesto after about 12 hours on the road. He'll have a shorter day tomorrow to reach the desert.

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