Wednesday, August 7, 2013

There Really is a Lake....

There really is a lake here. It is about a mile down a steep road from the RV spots. Quite scenic but not really someplace I would swim since there is also an indoor/outdoor pool here. People fish in it and you can rent paddle boats.

Jack and I made a trip to Cabela's today so he could get some fishing equipment for his trip in September. The Cabela's in Lacey is about 10 miles from here and has EVERYTHING with a heavy emphasis on Duck Dynasty apparel.

After Cabela's we had the lunch buffet at the Red Wind Casino just up the road. It was good and seniors get 25% off.

We are enjoying this RV spot despite the road noise. Jack bought ear plugs and as I mentioned before I can't hear the noise advantage to being half deaf. Our spot has nice shade which we have appreciated on these 80 degree days.

No grandson yet. He is due next week and seems to want to wait until then.

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