Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jack's Back/Cat's in the Closet

Rufus hides out in the closet.

Picked Jack up at SeaTac yesterday afternoon after his run to Palm Desert with the Lincoln. He said his only glitch was spending two hours at the top of the Grapevine in traffic due to a wreck. The Grapevine is the DEVIL. Also the car won't fit in our garage due to all our it's at Dick and Sue's....(We'll get it our before you get home D and S!)

We'll b e moving back up to Sequim for a few weeks and then heading south. We've really enjoyed our time with family and friends and especially new baby Rowan.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Trip South

Rowan Day 8

Jack got up at 3AM and headed out the door around 3:30 to begin his trip south with the Lincoln. He'll arrive in Modesto this afternoon, stay with Dorothy and Mervyn, then make the final push home Tuesday afternoon. The car is packed with stuff we figure we don't need for the next month and will sit in the trunk,in the garage until we get back. Jack will fly back up to SeaTac Wednesday afternoon.

I drove up to Tacoma to visit  8 day old Rowan. In this picture above I think he looks like Derek. He is eating and sleeping well. Mom and baby are both healthy and sister Madison is an expert diaper changer already.


Jack made it to Modesto after about 12 hours on the road. He'll have a shorter day tomorrow to reach the desert.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Lost Lake Bash

We had a great visit today with friend David who was on  his way to Olympia for a wedding. He and I braved the crowds at Wal-Mart AND Cabellas.
This evening the management here is hosting a big bash at "Shangi-la"..sorry for the blurry picture..
They are providing a band and barbecue. I'm not sure we'll attend. Wal-Mart was plenty of excitement for today.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Birthday Boy,Buffet and Ballcap

Jack's brother Gary came out last night to spend the night and celebrate with the birthday boy. We went to the Red Wind Casino for their buffet which included crab!

Also paid a visit to the huge Cabella store out here in Lacey. As a promo,if you sign up for their credit card,they give you a $25 gift certificate and a Cabellas hat. Gary and Jack both applied. Now when you see someone sporting a green Cabella hat you know they took advantage of the promo!

Jack took delivery of his new (to him) Lincoln Town Car. He'll be driving it down to Palm Desert Monday and flying back to Sea Tac Wednesday.

Baby Rowan is ready for some Seahawks tonight!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pool Rescue

Jack and I visited the pool here today. They say it is heated but their idea of a heated pool is a bit off from ours. It felt cold, but we braved it anyway. Jack rescued a tiny little mole that was swimming around.  ( We think it was a mole, it had a little pointy nose and fuzzy body)There was no way he could have climbed out on his own. Jack scooped him up with a pool noodle.

Sunny again today and mid 70's.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Rowan Spooner Ebert

The day we have been waiting for finally arrived on Sunday august 18th at 11:21 AM!  Rowan Spooner Ebert was born weighing 9 lbs 5 ounces and 21 inches long. His feet alone are 3 inches long. He and mom are healthy and doing well. Katie called us at 6AM to say she was leaving for the hospital and we arrived shortly after. Delivery was fast. Me and dad were both in attendance.

Technology at St Joseph's in Tacoma is interesting. Mom, dad and baby all have name tags of course, but in addition to that baby has a "tracker" on the umbilical cord. If the baby is taken within 10 feet of an exit door or elevator the doors and elevators lock down and an alarm sounds.No baby stealing going on there.

Friday, August 16, 2013

LeMay Car Museum

Jack and I visited the LeMay Car Museum today

in Tacoma. There are close to 300 vehicles and some  models I had never heard of. It's a huge building next to the Tacoma Dome and 5 minutes from Katie and Derek in case we get the call that baby is on the way.

Had a couple days of nice rain and now it's back up in the 70's and sunny.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Still Waiting.....

The grandson is due tomorrow but I'm not sure he knows that.

Took another nice walk this morning around the 'loop' which is about a mile. It is paved but winds through the heavily forested park.

Another sunny beautiful day...temps around 80.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Today we watched some golf, Tiger and Phil.....really?? and spent a couple hours at The Red Wind Casino. Still waiting for Baby Boy to arrive. Not being told his name and apparently it won't be Henry. He is due on the 13th and looks like he might wait until then, although Jack is betting on tomorrow, the 11th of August, which also happens to be my nephew Eli's birthday.

This park continues to please us with it's convenient location to Katie and Derek as well as shopping...Walmart,Winco,Walgreen..our three W's.

Thunder and lightening last night, which NW folks know is rare,  turned into a warm,nice day around 78 and somewhat humid.

Here is hoping Baby What His Name waits until tomorrow daytime for arrival. We are taking pizza to their house for lunch and a visit.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


We drove out to NW Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville today and walked around then took the tram tour. It has been years since I visited the park and Jack had never been there. We saw Elk,Buffalo, Deer, Caribou, Eagles,Bear and Bobcats.  We learned that the male Buffalo will do certain rituals to attract the ladies:  rub their heads on tree pitch to get nice and sticky, then pee in the dirt and roll in guys!

The sun finally came out and it is currently in the 80's. Seahawks preseason game tonight against San Diego. Maybe baby boy will make his appearance...hopefully at halftime.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

There Really is a Lake....

There really is a lake here. It is about a mile down a steep road from the RV spots. Quite scenic but not really someplace I would swim since there is also an indoor/outdoor pool here. People fish in it and you can rent paddle boats.

Jack and I made a trip to Cabela's today so he could get some fishing equipment for his trip in September. The Cabela's in Lacey is about 10 miles from here and has EVERYTHING with a heavy emphasis on Duck Dynasty apparel.

After Cabela's we had the lunch buffet at the Red Wind Casino just up the road. It was good and seniors get 25% off.

We are enjoying this RV spot despite the road noise. Jack bought ear plugs and as I mentioned before I can't hear the noise advantage to being half deaf. Our spot has nice shade which we have appreciated on these 80 degree days.

No grandson yet. He is due next week and seems to want to wait until then.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lost Lake RV Resort

Checked in to Lost Lake yesterday and we have a nice spot near the entrance, however the road noise can be bad at times. We found out this road outside the park is a shortcut between Yelm and I-5, so it is quite busy. Fortunately, I can't hear very well and the noise hasn't bothered me.

This park is beautiful. Some of the pictures show the Park Models and RV spaces. People have really outfitted some of them beautifully with hot tubs,brick barb ques,flowers,outdoor patios and decks etc. We are across the street from a mini golf and play area for kids. There is a real lake with fish. This morning I went for a nice walk around "The Loop" which happens to be exactly one mile.  It is a secured/gated entrance with a clean laundry facility,indoor/outdoor pool and close to shopping in Dupont or Yelm.

The best part is that it is only 20 miles from Katie and Derek's so when we get the call that Baby Boy is on the way we'll be close by.