Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Eleven Days Left

We have eleven days left in Sequim before we head to Olympia.

This morning we took a drive up to Ediz Hook in Port Angeles to collect some rocks for my "beach" in the desert. I prefer the rocks at Kalaloch, but this is much closer and the rocks are pretty good. It was very foggy in the Straits this morning and windy. Stopped at the fish market for some fresh Rock Fish and Jack's famous Fish N Chips are in the fryer at the moment.

New neighbors from Fresno moved in with their brand new Motor Home and we had a little discussion about which Ferry/Road to take to Seattle. Our suggestion (in our heads only).....skip Seattle and stay here.

The Port Angeles Arts in Action Fair begins Friday. We have always enjoyed this event for the food and sand sculpture exhibits.

Here is a shot of the full moon over Mt Rainier that I borrowed from a news website:

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